Beyonce Confirmed To Play Etta James?
Perhaps this little lunch date was to celebrate Beyonce's next big job. The paparazzi spotted the Celebrity couple Beyonce Knowles and her boy Jay-Z as they were leaving Bar Pitti yesterday. Not only has she officially signed on to play the part of Etta James, but she's taking on the role of executive producer too. The majority of you had your doubts about Beyonce's ability to play a historic figure like James, but I guess now we'll just have to sit tight and see how it turns out. I know she will do just fine. Good to see Beyonce taking her acting seriously and picking the right roles.
Cited Locations:Beyonce,Jay-Z,Etta James
Getty Images/James Devaney/WireImage Collection
so beyonce is going to play this role?? hmmm i'll have to see about this one.
not to be negative..but you know this was a mistake!!!! she just stick to singing.
She was good in dream girls I wish she would play roles that were beyond singing.
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