Jennifer talks about her pregnancy
On the conception: "It was natural," says Lopez. "We didn't do in vitro, which I know was reported. Everybody assumed that, because we had twins. I wanted to have a baby, but I've always said exactly what I said all those years they asked us since we've been married: 'Well, when are you guys gonna have some kids?' 'When it happens naturally, I guess!' And that's when it happened. It was a surprise to us."
On her fears it wouldn't happen: "You start getting older, you think to yourself, maybe [having kids] is just not meant for me," she admits. "I knew there was nothing wrong with me. I knew that I could. Deep down, I really wanted it badly." Anthony, however, had no doubts: "It never even entered my mind that it would never happen."
On discovering they were expecting: "I was in Portugal," remembers Lopez, "performing and dancing my ass off ... " During a phone call with Anthony, he told her, "Baby, I have a sense!" Still, two positive pregnancy tests failed to convince her. "I think I really got to a point where I was like, 'This is not gonna happen for me,'" she acknowledges. "[But by the third test I took] it was right there in my face. At that point, I looked and I said, 'Marc, could this be me?' I had tears in my eyes."
On discovering they were expecting double bundles of joy: "Marc started crying ... and I started giggling," Lopez says. "I knew twins ran in my family, and we always joked, "Who do you think is going to have the twins?" So, of course, all my sisters were like, "It's you, it's you!"
On her body's changing shape during pregnancy: "I gained a good amount of weight, which I was focused on because twins can sometimes have low birth weight. I gained 45-50 lbs., a lot for my frame, but for twins it's right on."
On the postdelivery deflation: "It's amazing how your stomach just goes, 'Boop,' and it's this jiggly mass. It's funny!" shares Jennifer of her twin skin. "I even play with my little leftover belly, you know? I had to lie in bed towards the end, for four hours a day to put my feet up. But I was very active through the pregnancy."
On adjusting to motherhood: "I knew I'd be protective. I knew I'd love them intensely and passionately enough to stay up for the first three days after giving birth, because I just wanted to keep staring at them," reveals Jennifer. "[But] I've been very career-oriented my whole life and very focused on my own world and my own life, and all of a sudden the focus just shifts. It's like, 'Whoosh!' I want to do everything for them."
On her total baby euphoria: "Having children is the biggest thing that can happen, I think, to a woman. You win an Oscar, get nominated for a Golden Globe -- you know, whatever things you think are big -- I can't even think of anything that can match the actual miracle of giving birth and having your own child. It's beyond anything you could ever imagine."
Jennifer’s going be a great mom I wish I could be baby Emme Maribel right at this moment. I can’t wait to see what they will become great entertainers, actors or fashion icons! It’s amazing that Jennifer can talk about her stomach going “Boop” and laugh about it. When I know most women would be crying their eyes out and complaining how the baby made it happened! I probably would be that woman too! LOL.
I believe she is overall ecstatic about the twins so nothing else even matters. But I can’t wait to see how good she is going to look when she does come back on the scene. Janet Jackson better watch out because Jennifer is going to be one hot mama!
Until then let's go back!

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