Kelly Rowland has Implants??!!!

Kelly Rowland of famed group "Destiny's Child" admitted to People magazine that she has implants. WOW!!! She went from an A cup to a B cup because she was sick of not fitting into her tops. "It is a decision I made for myself. I like it, and that's all that counts. For young people: Think about it before you just jump off and do something (you may regret later)," she says.
I wasn't sure if this story was true when I heard it awhile back, but she just confirmed it. Her story will be in the March 17 issue of People magazine. I will be getting my copy to see what else she talks about.
I think if you want to get any type of plastic surgery you have to think before you act. It doesn’t bother me at all to see women with enhanced assets. I’m glad that I have my assets I embrace them at all times all women should be happy with their body images.
Photo Source:
By: Dave Hogan
Getty Images Entertainment
Getty Images Entertainment
she shouldn't have gotten them. i thoguht she was supposed to be "real"
i think they look great. she didn't over due it, she knows she has a small body frame, and i think going to a b cup instead of a bigger cup size was really smart. she's beautiful regardless of her chest size, and if she needed the implants to boost her self confidence, then so be it...good for you kelly!
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