Monday, April 14, 2008

GlitterBuzzStyle Entertainment

The 30th of May 2008 is going to be one exciting day for us fans, for this is the day that Sex and The City: The Movie is slated for a nationwide release! Sure it’s not the same as cuddling up on the couch with a bucket of ice cream every week but who cares right? I know you’re just as excited to catch up on all their new exciting sexcapades! While we wait, I figured you’d like some titbits and facts about the movie… you know just something to satiate your curiosity until the big day comes!

Sex and the City first aired in 1998 on HBO and was from a book of the same name by Candace Bushnell. The show is based in New York City and revolves around Carrie Bradshaw, a charming columnist, also the narrator of the episodes and her three best friends, all different yet so alike and their ever so confusing lives filled with adventurous little sexcapades in New York City!

Sex and the City became most well known among our generation for its brutally open and blunt discussions about single women in their mid 30’s and their sex life. Fans believed it and loved it! It was sexy, downright the truth and incredibly funny! And though the characterswere very different, we couldn’t get enough of them! My favorite characters are Carrie Bradshaw(of course) and Samantha Jones. And Now Presenting the Fabulous(My Favorites):

Carrie Bradshaw, the star of the series, the narrator of each episode, the center around which it all revolves. She’s the stylish columnist for the fictitious newspaper, The New York Star. Carrie writes about relationships and the life of a single woman in her column “Sex and the City” and her thoughts usually determine the story line for each episode.She has a fabulous Upper East Side house and really life couldn’t be more perfect except for her love life! Carrie has her share of boyfriends but the star is her on again, off again sexy boyfriend “Mr. Big".Sarah Jessica Parker is S.T.U.N.N.I.N.G and it doesn’t matter what the role is

Samantha Jones (Kim Cattrall)
Samantha is the oldest and most sexual of the four girls. She is a confident, successful public relations executive who is outspoken and who loves sex.
Sam calls herself a “try-sexual” which basically means she will try anything once and refrains from any kind of emotional bonding and is proud of that fact. She is also incredibly loyal to her friends. She always puts herself out there to get what she wants, and shes not afraid to do itI love her!!



Anonymous said...

Wow i haven't seen photos of sarah jessica parker with short hair in a while. I like the short hair better.

Anonymous said...

Wow i haven't seen photos of sarah jessica parker with short hair in a while. I like the short hair better.


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