So I received this Sheer Gold Shimmer gel that can be put on your skin for a remarkable glow! And I must say it worked very well for what I was looking for. Most shimmers give off too much sparkle but this is very light and the effect is very appealing. I used it first on my legs and I also put it on my cheeks and I loved the way it gave me a glow on my face. When something makes you feel beautiful and confident about how you look it’s always a keeper so I will be using this product more often.
Another great fact about this product is you can use it on cheekbones, browbones, legs, to highlight face etc... That sounds great to me!
If you are ready to feel the same energy and vibe you can go to http://www.lizearle.com/ and check it out.
Prices are:
Sheer gold shimmer 1.6oz $17.50
Sheer gold shimmer 0.5oz $8.50
There's also special offers going on so you might get a deal!!
Product Info:
Naturally active ingredients include organic aloe vera, natural vitamin E and a luxurious blend of 10 essential oils.
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