So here we have our first Women's Issue topic that I'm sure everyone will be able to relate to.
Our friend is here and the pain and aggravation begins.
Why do we even call our lovely period our friend? Friends are suppose to be friendly, comforting, understanding and all that good stuff but when this friend comes she brings nothing but pain!
Funny isn't it, we should call it the Beast is here she will be here for about seven days or 2-4 days when she has the proper medicine! LOL!!
Sometimes having our period can lead to happiness if someone slipped and didn't use what they should have, once you see that spot you are all smiles. This is a very happy moment for those individuals. (Next time be more careful ladies!)
Anyway our period which is really our menstraual cycle is a process of life and apart of our fabulous woman hood! And as much as I wish I never get it a lot of older woman have said to me menopause is part 2 but tougher. (Not looking forward to that)
Here are some great facts about our best friend!
- A woman typically loses less than 4 tablespoons (>60 mL) of blood each month during her period.
- 34. Hallberg,p 349, 35. Fraser, p 808
- Most women have periods that are from 3 to 8 days in length.19. Fehring p 380 The average is 6 days.19. Fehring p 380A
- Menarche, the time of a woman's first menstrual period, normally occurs between the ages of 12 and 13.7. Dorland’s Medical Dictionary, p. 1124; 33. Chumlea p 111
- By the age of 15, 98% of girls will have had their first periods.36. National Center for Health Statistics p 3; 37. ACOG No 349 p. 1324B
- A woman gets her period roughly every 4 weeks from the time she has her first period (menarche) until menstruation stops (menopause).36. National Center for Health Statistics p 3; 37. ACOG No 349 p. 1324B
- The lengths of a woman's menstrual cycles vary the most during the few years right after menarche (first period) and in the years right before menopause.
Tips for Relieving Symptoms Around the Time of Your Period
Here are a few simple steps you can take to help feel your best:
Cut back on salt during your period to reduce bloating and fluid retention.15. Dickerson, p. 1747 B
Cut back on caffeine to feel less tense and irritable.15. Dickerson, p. 1747 B
Eat foods that are high in calcium. Calcium has been shown to help alleviate some of the symptoms associated with PMS.15. Dickerson, p. 1747 C; 48. Thys-Jacobs p 1
Get a moderate amount of aerobic exercise.15. Dickerson p. 4 A
Keep to a regular sleeping schedule. Consistent sleep and wake times can help control excessive fatigue or insomnia.15. Dickerson. p. 1747 A
So are Friend is here to stay with us for awhile I guess at the end of the day we have to appreciate her and be glad that we are the strongest gender out there because we can handle any and everything that comes our way!
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I just hit menopause so my body is slowly changing and this is one thing I'm glad to be leaving my life ha.
i hate my period i always look fat and feel horrible. I was told taking birth control and help reduce pain when it comes. Helps regulate it more.
My Menstrual cramps can be up and down.. once month painful the next month I feel nothing. It's very annoying.
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