Tuesday, November 4, 2008

GlitterBuzzStyle - Get out and Vote!

Finally! It's Election Day! Get out and vote today , be part of History! Here is some information that will come handy at the voting booths.

1. Are you registered? Hopefully you registered early , most state deadlines pass one month before the election. If you are unsure if you are registered or not check out CanIVote.org. If your not , check out Go Vote Absentee to see if you still have time.

2. Make sure you bring identification with you. A drivers license is the safest bet , but any state-issued ID should work. If you have your voters registration card , you can use that as well.

3. Check your voters registration card to see the address you should go to vote. Usually voting booths are at local schools , libraries or community centers. If you are unsure where to go , check out Vote411.org for a list of polling places.

4. Are you informed? Need more proof that we are in desperate need of a change? Check out both Candidates official web sites for a full list of their positions on issues brought up this election period. For the younger crowd , check out Vote Gopher , designed by young voters covering the top issues for the youth vote in the '08 election. Barack Obama & John McCain official sites.

5. Do you have rights as a voter? Definitely. When you head to the polls , you , your friends , your family and everyone shouldn't have to ever deal with intimidation , harassment or shady restrictions. If you feel anything shady is going on at your polling station or if feel like you were treated wrongly , please visit National Campaign for Fair Elections.

6. Dress code? Not exactly , however , attire supporting a particular party is strongly frowned upon. If you HAVE to wear you favorite Obama pin or T-shirt , bring a jacket to cover up with in case you are asked. You can also call your local election office to find out that the rules are regarding political wear.

7. Do Not be afraid to ask questions. If you are disabled, hearing or sight impaired or need any type of assistance, please see a poll employee.

Information Source - MTV.com & Hot97.com
Picture Source - Gap.com

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