This is for the readers that are expecting or who have just given birth, hope you ladies enjoy. Check the video for all the scoop!
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Question: What does motherhood mean to you?
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Giveaway ends 4/14/13 11:59pm est..
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Motherhood is the single most rewarding job I have ever had. Nothing can prepare you for becoming a mother, but nothing can compare to it either. Whether you have biological children, adopted children, step children, or you are just a mother figure to a child/young adult, you have been given the greatest and most challenging job you will ever have. Motherhood is a privelage and should be embraced with love. I can never imagine what my life would be if I didn't have my children. Being a mother fills your heart with joy and opens you up to a love you never knew existed.
Motherhood to me is unconditional love. You sacrifice a lot toake sure your child or children have a good life and can be healthy. Motherhood is a privledge given by God and shouldn't be taken lightly because there are those that can't have kids. Motherhood carries a form of respect behind the name and therefore you should respect yourself and your child. Motherhood is a true blessing to have and its an amazing feeling. Mother hood is waking up all times of the night even though you are tired and sleepy, changing dirty diapers and cleaning up spit up even when you are squeamish, being patient with your crying child even though you are studying ffor a major test. Because of that love you have. Its truly special. :))
Although I am just an expecting mom and not a mother yet, I feel an unparalleled love with my child. Motherhood is the strongest bond between two humans. I am looking forward to this next step!
What being a mother means to me.You have created a life,that you will nurture,for the rest of your life.Beomg a mother is the best job you can ever have.
Most importantly, motherhood means responsibility. Motherhood is being there no matter how hard it gets. Whatever your child turns to in the future was your responsibility in the past and that's the day that you'll know you did the right thing. A lesson in infinite patience and sacrifice like having your heart permanently outside of your body. Motherhood is laughter and tears, it's knowing that you are more than just mothers, you are friends, you are their coach, their guidance. <3
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