I picked up a few NYX products since my collection is very small and wow I have been missing out. My faves are definitely their glosses high impact and that fab shine. Check out the items I picked up and the fab giveaway for you ladies as well.
Giveaway Rules
Lipstick, Lip Gloss, Eye Shadow

Follow on Twitter @glitterbuzzinfo + NyxCosmetics
Like our FB pages GlitterBuzzStyle NYX Cosmetics
And share Giveaway link
Giveaway ends 6/2/13 winners will be posted on the blog and via twitter link
I have followed on twitter @meeganwhitford2 and on fb meegan whitford and I have subbed to your blog and shared on pinterest twitter and fb
Following on Fb as Lisa Brown
Following on Twitter as @lulu_brown24
Shared on FB - https://www.facebook.com/lisa.brown.50364592/posts/10200638328393258
Shared on Twitter - https://twitter.com/LuLu_Brown24/status/337997633316597760
I like both brands on FB as Yolanda
I follow both brands on twitter as mrsskyrob.
fb share https://www.facebook.com/yolanda.robinson.5477/posts/142990395891487
twitter share https://twitter.com/mrsskyrob/status/338295252999864320
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