Saturday, October 19, 2013

To The Readers

Happy Weekend

I am so ready to enjoy this weekend it's been a busy week but I can't complain about it. Special thanks to all new followers love connecting with you ladies on the social media platforms ; ) I am working on the new fashion trends for the holiday season that will be launching soon and I am so excited. Everything will be very affordable so you can enjoy splurging for your holiday buys on a budget. Also my cosmetics will be soon offered in value sets so you can try more products at a lower price.
As always #GlitterItCrew you rock so hard and I thank you all for the support. Hope to chat with you on Twitter even though lately I am obsessing Instagram, it's too addicting, lol!

Upcoming Posts: Women's Issues: How To Get Over A Breakup, Trends: The Clear Bag Obsession
Upcoming Video: 3 Beauty Looks For The Season, Tricks To A Perfect Brow w/ Senna Cosmetics
Upcoming Giveaways: mark. Holiday, Senna Cosmetics

1 comment:

nena said...

I feel so lost. I have been so behind on the blog lately. Hope you had a wonderful weekend.


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