Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Giveaway: Fashion + Beauty

Hello loyal readers and shouts out to my new #GlitterITCrew readers too ; ). Ladies I need your help spreading the GlitterBuzzStyle brand and in return I will gift you fashion and beauty items from my online boutique. Get it all in my latest video.

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List items you want to win!
ENDS 4/28


Unknown said...

Followed you on FB :Afsana prasla, Tweeter: @afsanaprasla, Pinterest: Afsana prasla, G+: Afsana prasla
Shared on tweeter: https://twitter.com/AfsanaPrasla/status/456319670648180737
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Shared on FB: https://www.facebook.com/afsana.prasla/posts/10201926055816269?stream_ref=10

Di Ana said...

FB: Dani Elle
Twitter: @Dydy96
YB: Diana Dia
G+: Diana Dia
Share Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dydy96/status/456329513744347136
Share FB: https://www.facebook.com/Danielle.Gociu/posts/778225462196921?stream_ref=1
Share G+:https://plus.google.com/u/0/106294051961690905981/posts/bDKHg79PVer
Share FB : https://www.facebook.com/Danielle.Gociu/posts/778227632196704?stream_ref=5
Share Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dydy96/status/456332465754226690
Dear, I support you, I understand how hard must be for you to be known as well as your boutique! So I share on every social media I have!
Your produtcs from your boutique looks amazing! I can't choose , but SPARKLE TRIO SHADOW IN DAZZLE Rose (Matte), Mauve (Pearl), Bronze Copper (Shimmer) looks amazing as well as Vintage Havana Skinny Jeans!! Kisses :*

Unknown said...

fb : alexandra-elisabet dorofte
twitter : @dorofteelisabet
youtube: dorofte alexandra
g+ : dorofte alexandra
g+ share : https://plus.google.com/114168289470394655590/posts/S3nrQy6ghv2
share fb : https://www.facebook.com/alexandraelisabet.dorofte/posts/1483456231872897?stream_ref=10
tweet : https://twitter.com/dorofteelisabet/status/456346341178753024
i love all your lipgloss shades and from lipstick i like kissable

Stacy said...

fb:Helen Smith
i like viva matte lipstick

Unknown said...

fb/g+: Milù Bijoux
twitter: @milubijoux1974
email: milubijoux1974@libero.it
all prizes are beautiful

Elena Rudaya said...

Elena Rudaya on facebook and @elenarudaya on twitter
Shared -
I like havana jeans and a lipgloss with amazing sparkles (Minx maybe?)

Unknown said...

FB: Mary María
G+: A. Mª Martinez
YouTube: A. Mª Martinez
Twitter: @Marymariayo
Email: sitacroft@yahoo.es
Pinterest: marymariadelaoh



I love all lipgloss!! :)

Unknown said...

Fb : mcellerino
twitter : @CMacriser2004
Yt : maria cristina Cellerino
pinterest : macriser2004
g+ : + maria cristina
email : macriser2004@gmail.com

Debora said...

Great giveaway!
Debora Ferri
On twitter: @debbi_f
I tweet this post here: https://twitter.com/debbi_f/status/456404020207181824

Carmen said...

enter me
fb carmen rossi
twitter jasminem2004

Unknown said...

wow, love sunglusses! :)
mail: cogitoergosum8587@yahoo.it
fb: cogito ergosum
twitter: @luvalz

Helena Oops said...

Thank you for this great giveaway!
I m entering with pleasure!
FB:Jens Ken Lundstrom
You tube:Helena Oops
Shared the giveaway via fb:
and this is my tweet:
Also shared via google+:
Fingers crossed!

Thais Magalhães said...

FB: Thais Magalhães
Twitter: @thaat
Email: yeahitsthaat@hotmail.com
YT: Thais Magalhães
Tweet: https://twitter.com/Thaat/status/456439279406043136

omg I love everything!

Puspita Sari said...

Fb : Puspita Sari
Twitter : @lady_puspita
IG : @lady_puspita
G+ : https://plus.google.com/u/0/102123570129105367864/posts
Pinterest : http://www.pinterest.com/chyori
youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-0IVWKGAwH6Een-vLZR9yg

share :
- https://www.facebook.com/puspita.sari.104418/posts/454641727971804?stream_ref=6
- https://twitter.com/lady_puspita/status/456424791805685760
- http://lady-puspita.tumblr.com/
- http://www.pinterest.com/pin/566186984376253703/
- http://ladyofsunflower-puspita.blogspot.com/2014/04/giveaway-from-my-online-boutique.html
- banner blog http://ladyofsunflower-puspita.blogspot.com/

Maria Pinto said...

Facebook Maria Marilaki
Share https://www.facebook.com/maria.marilaki/posts/761091463902511?stream_ref=10
Twitter @mxangel1982
Tweet https://twitter.com/mxangel1982/status/456445567049015296
Youtube Maria Pinto
Email mariamarilaki@gmail.com
Google+ Maria Pinto
I would love to win one of the Sparkle Trio Shadows and the Gala Lipsticks!

Puspita Sari said...

- http://web.stagram.com/p/699916716689472475_846717189

Familyof5 said...

Facebook: Lucy Nguyen
Blog Twitter: cistran29
YouTube: 29cistran
Boutique Twitter: cistran29
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/xuanthaohkus/
Google+: Thao Nguyen

Unknown said...

FB: Liza gunawan
Twitter: @just_luckygirl
Instagram: @Justluckygirl
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/lizagunawan/
google plus and youtube: Liza chan
email: cherriess.pink@gmail.com

I want to have the cosmetics especially lipstick.. XD
Share twitter: https://twitter.com/just_luckygirl/status/456454363402092545
Share FB: https://www.facebook.com/Cherrypink93/posts/560535397395653?stream_ref=1
share G+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+LizaChan/posts/23Z3X4gJiog
share blog: http://giveawaylovely.blogspot.com/2014/04/glitterbuzz-giveaway-xd.html

Unknown said...

Marija Nagulic

Unknown said...

Your giveaway is always awesome! Thank you for this!
I follow you in all social media you have.
Facebook : Ria Alemina
Twitter : @ria_alemina
Google+ : Ria Alemina Ginting Manik
Youtube : Ria Alemina Ginting Manik
Instagram : @ria_alemina
Pinterest : Ria Alemina Ginting

Shared on facebook : https://www.facebook.com/riashine.misaki/posts/860520433973806?stream_ref=10
Share on Twitter :
- https://twitter.com/ria_alemina/status/456486457423589376
- https://twitter.com/ria_alemina/status/456484391863078913
Share on Google+ : https://plus.google.com/101205462206506837722/posts/gmnS3s1pcjt
Share on Pinterest : http://www.pinterest.com/pin/282460207853795165/

I would love to win Catherine Stein Gun Metal/Gold Necklace and Pose Baked Blush Pink Rhinestone from your online boutique =)

Alexandra Cîrlea said...

Twitter: @AlexandraPainte
FB: Alexandra Cîrlea
YouTube: Painter Alexandra
Pinterest: Alexandra Cîrlea
Google+: Painter Alexandra
Share G+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/112848938550964707196/posts/YKCQ4fUwtsk
Share FB: https://www.facebook.com/alexandra.cirlea/posts/432250910244121?stream_ref=10
Share Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/527273068845968532/
I love all your lipgloss shades.


Unknown said...

Love your videos!
nessacaswell on twitter/IG

Airstream said...

Twitter: @szacharin
FB: Teagan Salter

Lipglosses are so pretty!

Unknown said...

Great giveaway!
antonella togato
email giglio-82@hotmail.it
On twitter: @mantide82
I tweet this post here:https://twitter.com/mantide82/status/456779036606615552

Sana Hadj Salah said...

❤♥❤ Thank you for the great giveaway! ❤♥❤
I'm following you on Pintesrest, Google+ & Twitter and liked your Facebook page as: Sana Hadj Salah
I shared the giveaway on:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SanaHadjSalah/status/456174008115814400
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/104498394789437250329/posts/XuhYK7JYHmS
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/sanahasa/glitter-buzz-style-giveaway/
Kisses from Tunisia xoxo

Sana Hadj Salah said...

And I'm subscribed to your Youtube channel as: Sana HS :)

Anonymous said...

Followed you on FB : Bhavani Sekar,
Tweeter: @Poojadalu,
Pinterest: Bhavani Sekar,
G+: Bhavani Sekar
youtube: Bhavani Sekar
Shared on tweeter: https://twitter.com/PoojaDalu/status/457808678360317953
Shared on FB: https://www.facebook.com/Bhavani.Seka/posts/264317467082125?stream_ref=10
Mail ID: poojadalu@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Loved loved loved the Rose head bands!!
Followed you on:
twitter/instagram: @alicebeerland
facebook/Pinterest/G+/youtube: Alice Beerland
Shared on twitter: https://twitter.com/alicebeerland/status/457918173031845888
email: fanouria20(at)hotmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

Hingrid Oliveira ( fb )
twitter : hingridcristine
I want the make-up and lipstick

T Iv. said...

Facebok: Tina Ivanisevic
Twitter: @TinaIvanisevic

maya said...

fb - mahi sain
twitter - omerbinziyad
google+ - amer binziyad

Unknown said...

Following You At:
F.B: https://www.facebook.com/mariecor.gumban
G+: https://plus.google.com/+MarieCorJaoud/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/coriema
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/mariecorgumban/

Shared at:
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Unknown said...

Thank you for this Fantastic giveaway <3 :)
Hope to win this time! Fingers crossed!
Name: Shankari
Facebook Name: Shankz Shwe (Shankari)
Twitter: @shwethasays
Instagram: http://instagram.com/shankzshwe
G+: ShankzShwe Shankari
Pinterest: Shankz Shwe
Bloglovin: http://www.bloglovin.com/shankzshwe
Email: shwehari7@gmail.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shankzzzzzz/posts/232946953565122?stream_ref=10

Twitter: https://twitter.com/shwethasays/status/458280563804098560

G+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/118360118751881976684/posts/gtAbntv3XXt

Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/573505333770771449/

I Loveee All Your Items. <3
You Choose The Prizes For Me! :) Thank you Chastity :)

Unknown said...

Subscribed on youtube: ShankzShwe Shankari

Instagram Share: http://instagram.com/p/nD4SXgrXYI/

doveinizialafollia said...

Hi! My name is everywhere Veronica Murroni!
I shared on: g+ https://plus.google.com/101832098753454792426/posts/86ab8bjTimh
fb https://www.facebook.com/veronicamurroni/posts/550382145083032?stream_ref=10
twitt https://twitter.com/VeronicaMurroni/status/458364141376270336
mail veronicamurroni@yahoo.it

Anonymous said...

gfc trillina palemi
fb trillina palemi
mail palemona@libero.it

Anonymous said...

tw @trillina _palemi
all prizes are beatifuls

Unknown said...

FB: Slađana Sušilović
Twitter: @ssusilovic
email: sladana.susilovic@gmail.com
I would love to win Gala Lipstick BELLA (MATTE) Raspberry Red.

Andrea Darst said...

Following on Twitter (@adarst213) and tweeted: https://twitter.com/adarst213/status/458657885430366208
Following on FB (Andrea Darst, andreaunke@yahoo.com)
I have one of GSB's lip glosses and love it so much - wear it all the time! I'd love to try any of their other products, especially more lip glosses/lipsticks!

Unknown said...

Twitter: @liliane_lg

Unknown said...

fb: Masha Masha
pinterest: Masha
google+: Marina Š


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