I stumbled upon your website and the photos of your hands caught my attention. My wrists have been flaring off and on since March and my right wrist is especially bad. You mentioned getting surgery on your wrist in another video and was wondering if you decided to try PT before going into surgery or is this post-op PT? I am having so much trouble with getting my Rheumatologist to do anything about it. She just tells me to increase my prednisone when it flares. I have been on prednisone for so long, I don't believe it is a very wise thing to do. I take so many medications for RA because mine became very severe after hip surgery in March. I was so bad off, I was bedridden. My husband had to pick me up to move me into comfortable positions because I could not bare weight on my wrists at all. I take Humira injections every other week, methotrexate 8 tablets a week, plaquanil daily, folic acid daily, prednisone 10 mg daily. Even with all that medicine, my wrists still swell so bad and now I have developed an eye condition due to my RA not being under control. The eye condition is called Filamentary Keratitis. It is very painful and I now have to use 4 different eye drops every day. This condition can cause blindness if my RA doesn't get under control. It's a very scary disease and people have no idea how painful it is. I would rather go through hip surgery again than to go through a flare like I had in March. It took a good two months for me to be able to do anything for myself. I ended up going on disability through my employer. I am a nurse and I could no longer work safely. It devastated me to have to stop working because I worked for the VA and I loved it. I have found other things to keep me busy, but I have found that if I have a good day and I go do things normal people do, I end up paying for it the next day. I do see a light to all of this. I have finally decided to go to Duke Medical Center for a second opinion. They are in the top 10 in the nation for treating RA. I am praying they can help me because I am at the point of desperation. I really appreciate your videos and I do hope your troubles with RA will not get any worse. I will pray for your health to get better and for you to be able to get back to doing the things you love. I would love to share a few pictures of my wrists with you, but I really don't know how to do that here. I am on Facebook as Janet Dunaway in Greenville, NC. I hope to hear back from you soon!
I stumbled upon your website and the photos of your hands caught my attention. My wrists have been flaring off and on since March and my right wrist is especially bad. You mentioned getting surgery on your wrist in another video and was wondering if you decided to try PT before going into surgery or is this post-op PT? I am having so much trouble with getting my Rheumatologist to do anything about it. She just tells me to increase my prednisone when it flares. I have been on prednisone for so long, I don't believe it is a very wise thing to do. I take so many medications for RA because mine became very severe after hip surgery in March. I was so bad off, I was bedridden. My husband had to pick me up to move me into comfortable positions because I could not bare weight on my wrists at all. I take Humira injections every other week, methotrexate 8 tablets a week, plaquanil daily, folic acid daily, prednisone 10 mg daily. Even with all that medicine, my wrists still swell so bad and now I have developed an eye condition due to my RA not being under control. The eye condition is called Filamentary Keratitis. It is very painful and I now have to use 4 different eye drops every day. This condition can cause blindness if my RA doesn't get under control. It's a very scary disease and people have no idea how painful it is. I would rather go through hip surgery again than to go through a flare like I had in March. It took a good two months for me to be able to do anything for myself. I ended up going on disability through my employer. I am a nurse and I could no longer work safely. It devastated me to have to stop working because I worked for the VA and I loved it. I have found other things to keep me busy, but I have found that if I have a good day and I go do things normal people do, I end up paying for it the next day. I do see a light to all of this. I have finally decided to go to Duke Medical Center for a second opinion. They are in the top 10 in the nation for treating RA. I am praying they can help me because I am at the point of desperation. I really appreciate your videos and I do hope your troubles with RA will not get any worse. I will pray for your health to get better and for you to be able to get back to doing the things you love. I would love to share a few pictures of my wrists with you, but I really don't know how to do that here. I am on Facebook as Janet Dunaway in Greenville, NC. I hope to hear back from you soon!
Hi Janet thanks so much for reaching out. Please connect with me here cpd@glitterbuzzstyle.com Look forward to chatting with you.
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