Monday, November 18, 2019

My Skincare Routine: Leaders Recovery Masks

The power of skincare is so important when you start your beauty routine. For me having healthy skin isn’t just about following the latest trend but using brands that work well for your skin.

I am a big fan of facial masks and I love trying brands that really offer that spa treatment. Leaders Cosmetics isn’t one that’s new to me but their recovery masks is something that I wasn’t too familiar with. The bestselling masks comes in 4 treatments of areas that will give your skin a personal boosts. Those are Brightening, Balancing, Moisturizing and Lifting. My personal favorite is the brightening because I feel that it’s gives off a nice glow. But all of them add that hydration and leaves your skin feeling moisturized and well maintained.
The masks cost $7 and you get enough product that will cover your neck, shoulders and even hands.
If you are looking for a nice way to end the work day or began a stressful week indulge in the recovery masks you won’t be disappointed!

Video Feature


Terri Steffes said...

I need to buy stock in recovery masks! My skin shows signs of stress and I need to take care of it much better. This looks like the way to better skin.

Catherine said...

I love masks and I'm always trying new ones but they definitely make a difference in your skin care routine!

Catherine Santiago Jose said...

Giving time to take care of our skin is the best gift to give for ourselves on this holiday and I will definitely get that recovery masks as a gift for myself. I badly need this most especially after the holiday.

Cristina Petrini said...

I'm learning to appreciate and use masks by understanding how useful they are!

Ada said...

Ive never heard about Leaders Cosmetics but that mask seems so good! Taking care about the face is so important esspeciely now when its so cold outside

Stacie said...

This sounds like a great line. It's so important to take the time to really take care of ourselves, and we deserve nice things when we do it!

Ashley said...

I use a mask once a week at least. Self care is so important. Especially this time of year with all the holiday stress.

Dana Brillante-Peller said...

Always throw in some self-care -- more so during the holiday season. You never know how it'll turn out.

Sue-Tanya said...

I haven't done a mask in a while. I've been wanting to but been so busy. I think i will carve out some time this weekend. A little self care is needed :)

Agnes Dela Cruz said...

Love skincare products. Relaxing and makes one beautiful.

Yeah Lifestyle said...

I would love to try the Moisturising recover mask as my skin gets dry in wintertime and it is so important to keep the skin shdrated.

Myah Duque said...

It sounds like this is a great product line. Taking care of ourselves takes time and discipline, but so worth it

redheadmomblog said...

I had not heard of this product before. I would love to look into it. Thanks for sharing.

Dear Mummy Blog said...

We don't look after our skin enough! This sounds great and a good opportunity for a bit of downtime x

Katie said...

I really enjoy trying out masks occasionally. They are so relaxing and rejuvenating. My girls regularly want to have spa days. Thanks for the ideas.

Kara said...

I have not heard of these but they sound fab


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