So on this website I have informed you on what's hot, trendy and where to find all of the sales so you can be broke like all the rest of ladies in the world. But know I will start to inform you with more details on items that reflect my life and new things that I will be trying as well. This can be anything that would be a great benefit to someone or who knows the mass media.
I have decided to do the ultimate thing that I would never do in my life and that is cut my hair!
I like most women think of the idea but never actually pursue it! I guess I'm not that bold until now! I haven't put much thought on a style yet but what happens tomorrow at the salon is what will be! I need to make a lot of changes in my life like a lot of us women in the world. I have gone through a difficult time last week and I am just ready for a re-born stage in my life. So my hair is the first steps of that process. Call me crazy but I will style and make it look just as hot as it always did!
So here are the looks that I have glanced at but I'm not sold on anything yet!

Wish me luck tommorrow!
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