Friday, August 15, 2008

GlitterBuzzStyle Women's Issues

Okay so I'm enjoying all the e-mails regarding a lot of crazy situations. I will try my best to answer them in a timely matter.

This is a huge Women's Issue and I thank God I have never dealt with this in my life and I hope I never do but hey you never know!

Here is the direct e-mail question

Sandy 32- I have been dating a guy for 3 years and I just found out he has been with two other guys. He told me and now I'm so confused what do I do???

Sandy I feel really bad for you and this is a crazy situation because you really can't go back! There is nothing you can do to get him back because he really wants to be with a man!

The thing about situations like this is you can never fill that need for him so don't even beat yourself up. The fact that he never told you this and it has been three years on his part is really messed up. I think he needs to explain a number of things. 1. Why he waited so long to tell you! 2. Did he always know he was gay. 3. How could he lead you to believe you could have possibly have a future with him.

I'm not an expert on relationships or anything but I and many of our readers can give you some advice and try to give you tips on how you should handle this.

I know this may not seem right to say at this moment because you feel heartbroken but at least you know. At least you didn't marry him or even have kids with him. It will be a long time before you can move on from this but don't let this get you down. Take it day by day and don't act out on your emotions!!!

Sandy if you need to talk with someone regarding this issue please call this toll free number!

The Staff at The Women's Center answer questions and offer support 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To speak with someone 1-888-542-3828.

If anyone has any questions on any type of Women's Issue's please e-mail us at

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