Inside her interview
On being a role model: "I think I’m opening doors for more black women, just like Halle Berry and Diana Ross opened doors for me.
"On Barack Obama: "I’m really proud, I think we’re making a bit of progress, it’s an exciting time. We all feel part of our country now."
On playing Etta James in "Cadallic Records": "I’ve been saying for a long time that I wanted to do something dark. People are going to be very shocked. It’s the complete opposite of me. It was very emotionally draining. I was exhausted."
On why she uses her alter ego, Sasha: "I’ve created an alter ego [she refers to her on-stage persona as ‘Sasha’]: things I do when performing I would never do normally. I reveal things about myself that I wouldn’t do in an interview. I have out-of-body experiences [on stage]. If I cut my leg, if I fall, I don’t even feel it. I’m so fearless, I’m not aware of my face or my body." [CONCRETE LOOP/BEYONCEWORLD/MARIE CLAIRE]
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