Monday, September 15, 2008

GlitterBuzzStyle Women's Issues

Heather-25 Why is that when you are out with girlfriends there is always some guy trying to make his moves on you. I mean its like guys don't get the picture when you don't want to be bothered. What can I do to eliminated this problem.

I see this all the time!! Guys are clueless when it comes to the right way to approach a woman. No matter what you do or say they will always try their best to make you see them in another light! I really don't understand it myself. Continue to make it clear that your not interested, move to another location, ignore him or find someone that is cute and start chatting with them.

And if he does offer you a drink remember some guys think that they can hang with you the whole night after that. Maybe pass up that drink and avoid an annoying night.

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