Tuesday, September 16, 2008

GlitterBuzzStyle Entertainment More with the Swiss Beats/Mashonda drama

We all heard about the alleged affair between Alicia Keys and Swiss beats. Now word on the net is that Mashonda was having a affair of her own. Allegedly Mashonda was cheating with Bryce Wilson, former member of the R&B group Group Theory. Remember Group Theory, they made the song "Tell Me"! Well, I guess both Mashonda and Swiss was doing dirt behind each others backs!
!Funny how everyone was mad at Alicia with this affair drama but no one is talking about Mashonda and her alleged faults! Can you say Drama?

There is more. Rumor has it that Swiss Beats told Alicia that the marriage was over while trying to work it out with Mashonda! How slimy!

Update on Bryce Wilson-
He is currently one of the founders and managers of Czar Entertainment. Czar Entertainment has The Game, Brandy, Akon, Rick Ross and many more on the roster.

Update-Mashonda is claiming the rumors are false and were made up by Swiss Beats camp!


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