Monday, November 10, 2008

Glitterbuzzstyle Women's Issues: Ask a Question, any Question

Okay Ladies, I've noticed that your questions have trailed off a little lately? What's the dealio? We have a new president elect we're all proud of, a crappy economy; still got skinny bitches runnin half nekkid all over the t.v. while real women are hidden from the camera, the most unpopular president to ever hold the presidency still in office, women are still making less than men, dating is still confusing and difficult, breast cancer is still killing us, and life decisions are still being made by all of us on a daily basis. So start thinking, asking, and telling us what's going on, because I know you all have something to say, and if you think its not important enough, or interesting enough , or cool enough to talk about on glitterbuzzstyle, think again. We're here for you, girls, and we want to know what's goin' on, so get to writin'!!


Anonymous said...

Tiffany Roberts 24 VA

I recently began dating a good friend of mine that I have known for about 10 yrs. We were dating for about six months and I just found out I am pregnant. I'm not sure what I should do because he just moved to Boston for a new job and is currently seeing his ex who is in Boston as well. I'm really nervous about getting an abortion and also informing him. I think this will be a big blowout and I'm not in love with him at all. I know he really loves his ex so what should I do.

Anonymous said...

Wendy Nyc
I met a great guy and he is perfect except for one thing the sex. I really like him but he doesn't please me sexually. I thought maybe I should say something but I don't want to hurt his feelings he at times takes things to heart. What advice can you give me? Everything else is so good!

Anonymous said...

fiona russo 32
Just began dating a guy about a month ago, what would be a good holiday gift to give him? I don't want it to a be super gift just something perfect for new daters.


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