Saturday, January 3, 2009

Women's Issues: The Gender Gap is Still Crap...and Still Real

First of all, let me say "Right behind ya, APS!" Its also been a month since I've written anything too. We all have things going on that take priority, and sometimes prevent us from doing everything we want to do.

For now, I've been researching and reading up a lot about the economy, unemployment, and social effects thereof. Did you girls know that we still make only 73% of what men make? The last U.S. Census taken in 2001, showed that the annual average income for full time working men was $48,000, and the annual average income for full time working women was $27,000. This is not acceptable. Don't let anyone hire you for less when you know a man has been hired for more. Don't allow any employer to you PAY you less when you know a male counterpart of equal status, education, and tenure makes more.

Also equally disturbing is that the Census Bureau also reveals that people between the ages of 20-30 tend to suffer the most during tough economical times, and when unemployment is way up (like now). Recent college graduates and those without years of experience or tenure at a job, are the first ones to be let go, and the last ones to be hired for any position, because employers will value things such as experience, tenure, and years of being employed in any given industry, because they make for "safer" hires. Employers will reposition seasoned employees to cover duties of a newer hire or employee, rather than keep or hire a newer, younger, less experienced person. You add that disadvantage to the boundaries and difficulties that young women face competing against male counterparts for any given job or position - well, the situation gets more and more grim. Of course, when the media, corporate monopolies and t.v. shows slide a few women into senior executive positions, or show a few female CEO's on t.v. commercials, they would like us to believe that any woman can do it - and while it is not impossible, and a few have crossed those borders -that is simply not the case. The more professional a position becomes, and the more education required for a position, the less likely a woman is to get that position, and the less money she will make at the same position than a man. As a matter of fact, at the highest level of education and professionalism - women make only 60% of men, and make up much less of the professional world, with the exception of industries like education, human services, and nursing. THAT is according the U.S. Census Bureau. You don't have to take my word for it, you can look it up if you want to, or just look at the graph I included from the U.S. Census Bureau.

The bottom line is, this is not acceptable. We've come too far as women to still be making less, and facing harsher times getting out of unemployment than man do. Why should they have an assumed advantage, or more opportunities than we do? We are just as smart, just as capable, just as mentally and emotionally strong, and we can multi-task better than men too! Don't ask me how men make it in the business world without being able to mult-task...OH wait, that's right...they hire WOMEN to do it FOR them as their secretaries!

If you have the desire and the time to help change this, look up your most accessible and closest political and/or non profit organization for women's rights. Draw attention to the fact that the newest economic stimulus plans include stimulating jobs for men, but not for women, because most of the jobs will be created in construction and engineering. These two industries, as you all probably know, have very few women working in little as 9%. So, with the economy continuing to fall on its ass...where does that leave women, especially YOUNG women, who are unemployed, and desperately looking for work, many of whom also have young children to care for? Something has to be done about this gender wage AND opportunity gap - and no one is going to change it unless we as women make them.

Don't be shy ladies..I know its been a while, but if you have anything to add, disagree with, or comment on, step up. This is where it can all start.
info source: US Census Bureau,, and http://www.women

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