Sunday, February 15, 2009

GlitterBuzzStyle Celebrity Stories


So I guess he wants our forgiveness at the moment. Should we forgive and move on? Abuse is a serious thing no matter who you are and Chris Brown is not a favorite of mine but I'm glad he finally spoke up!
Here is his statement

“Words cannot begin to express how sorry and saddened I am over what transpired. I am seeking the counseling of my pastor, my mother and other loved ones and I am committed, with God’s help, to emerging a better person. Much of what has been speculated or reported on blogs and/or reported in the media is wrong. While I would like to be able to talk about this more, until the legal issues are resolved, this is all I can say except that I have not written any messages or made any posts to Facebook, on blogs or any place else. Those posts or writings under my name are frauds.”

Mmm can't wait to see what happens.

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