Q&A with Belinda Moss
Belinda Moss has been a professional makeup artist for 18 years and she has worked with the best in the industry. Belinda is the key makeup and hair artist at exclusive events that include the Tony Awards, Rip The Runway, Fashion Rocks, American Idol, Glamour Women of the Year etc... She is all the hype and she shares some beauty tips with GBS.
What are the best budget products.
BM: The best budget products are by L'Oreal & Softlips Lip Balm.

What are the best budget products.
BM: The best budget products are by L'Oreal & Softlips Lip Balm.
When wearing red lipstick what are the do's and don'ts.
BM: When wearing red lip stick don't mix a real dark smokey eye with bright red lips. It can look "trampy". However, a clean face and bright red lips is very HOT!

How to achieve a Smokey eye without looking scary.
BM: You can achieve a smokey eye without looking scary by using greys and browns and not all black liner and shadows.

Who's your best celebrity client and why.
BM: My best celebrity client is Sara Snow. She actually cares about the state of the world and IS doing something about it. She also is trying to educate people on being green as well.

What advice would you give someone who lacks trendsetter qualities.
BM: Trendsetters are so last year. You should spend your money on a good classic bag and shoes that are timeless.
BM: Trendsetters are so last year. You should spend your money on a good classic bag and shoes that are timeless.
What special events/happenings are on your radar.

Special thanks to Belinda Moss for the interview and Nicole E. at Robin Leedy Associates.
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