Friday, February 5, 2010

GlitterBuzzStyle Beauty Event

by mark. Event

On Tuesday February 2, at The Crosby Street Hotel, Global President Claudia Poccia of mark. and Lauren Conrad Spokesperson and Honary Co-Chairperson of m.powerment by mark. held a evening of conversation about women and dating abuse. The abuse on women is very high and the m.powerment by mark. campaign helps women break the cycle of abuse and partner violence.

Lauren Conrad shared her strong opinion about this topic and what we can do to help the cause. Lauren takes her role as the Honary Co-Chairperson very serious and really wants to get the word out for this important cause. "I am committed to leading the charge to raise awareness and encourage others to get involved". She also shared some beauty tips, talked about how her image has changed over the years and the fact that she is in love with mark. hookups. I love them too!

At the event the debut of the m.powerment by mark campaign PSA was shown and it states 1 in every 4 women will be abuse in their lifetime. So together we can help empower others and our self against this cycle. To show your support you can purchase glow baby glow hookups, the have a heart necklace in gold/silver or heart bracelet in gold/silver. All of the proceeds will go to the m.powerment by mark campaign. This campaign has successfully raised with your help $400,000 let's continue to spread the word!
Click here to view PSA

Inside Scoop

Lauren Conrad looks just as gorgeous as she does on television and she is a very sweet woman, I wish her much success!

The pics below are images of the gorgeous bathroom at The Crosby Street Hotel, super fabulous with tons of mark. products all around! Its smelled so good in there!

I'm really obsessing over the Berry Cranberry wash that was there, Kelly and Chelsea please send that over for a review it's a definite must have!
Champagne and a goodie bag full of treats from Dylan's Candy Bar was handed to us, yummy!

Outside the doors of the screening room was filled with candles and cocktails and delicious popcorn for us to enjoy while watching the PSA! I was able to mix and mingle and chat with a few chicas!

mark. also hooked us up with an amazing goodie bag tons of things that I will be sharing with all of you in an upcoming post!

Much thanks to Kelly F. and Chelsea C. at Kaplow PR for the invite I had an amazing time look forward to seeing you both again!

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