I love the style of these platforms, its super stylish and fierce. If you can walk in these high killers they really can pull off a sexy dress. Totally worth the price.
These OTK boots are great because the heel isn't too high. You rock them as your signature OTK look and be comfortable. The look is stylish and flirty for any age.

Suede Chain Bootie $88
I love the chain booties, I'm thinking the plum is where it's at. It's bold and can be that pop color to bring out your look. The black looks hot as well, get both if you can't decide.

I see my inner Rihanna unleashing, I love these lace ups, it's edgy and hardcore, sometimes a girl has gotta be a litte bad.

Think OTK brown boots, with stylish gold bangles. I'm feeling this denim dress and I am usually not a HUGE fan of denim dresses. This one has creative appeal.

The crewneck dress is comfortable and sexy at the same time. It also comes in tons of colors but the bolder the better.
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