Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Beauty: Face Of The Day

When achieving a beauty look for the summer I love less and not rocking foundation is a big must. The reason that I hardly wear foundation for the season is the heat, it’s so nice to just rock a bronzer or a brightening moisturizer it let’s your skin breath and it looks refreshing.


S1430005Bronzer is what I used as my foundation, Summer Eclipse® Bronzing & Shimmery Face Powder Sunlight Bronzer this is a great shade for giving a bright look to your face with a light shimmer. Plus it’s a good balance too add on the neckline and exposed areas.

S1430007If you check me out often you know I love golden shades I think it makes a beautiful statement and I love that it gives my skin tone a glow. I used Lorac + Flirt Cocoa Luster shadows for golden shades of bliss.
S1430013Keeping that rosy color with the cheeks Napoleon Perdis Cheek To Chic Blush Duo # 5 gives it to you right, play with this shade if you love to be a dare devil not only at night.
S1430026To keep my lip-gloss popping I bargained it up with Wet N’ Wild Fuchsia with Blue Pearl I can’t believe I never was on their tip, I love their shades. It’s the best beauty budget brand, always stock up when you find a sale.
S1430027To make the lips glisten to the next level add that glossy flavor on top,  I heart  Napoleon Perdis Hawaii Pink plus it looks good if you want to rock it solo.
S1430031To keep my eyes staying alive and full force from day to bedtime invest in Mally’s mascara you won’t complain that it smears, really!
S1430019Hope you found some new makeup brands to dish on, and new ways to rock your Face Of The Day looks!

1 comment:

Leslie K. said...

That color looks amazing on your eyes. Great color for you. Very pretty.


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